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Lenten Retreat: The Passion; Accompany Jesus Along the Way

Co-authored: Karen Shields Wright, Gregory Vigliotta

Beginning at the conspiracy against Jesus and the anointing at Bethany, we continue to the entry into Jerusalem. Then, the Passion of Jesus Christ unfolds in the most mysterious, transforming, and earth-shattering way. The Lamb of God will give His life for the sins of the world. Though we know Resurrection Sunday will bring us joy, walking the Via Dolorosa with Him, His Mother Mary, and the disciples becomes the foundation of grace for us that saves.

“This is why Christ vanquished the Tempter for us: ‘For we have not a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tested as we are, yet without sinning’ (Heb 4:15). By the solemn forty days of Lent, the Church unites herself each year to the mystery of Jesus in the desert.”
(CCC #540)

About this 'Gospels in Parallel' Retreat

This Lenten retreat contains 33 days with 32 Gospel Meditations and 1 day for reflection on the graces received during the retreat. Each meditation includes pericopes taken from the four Gospels. St. Ignatius recommended praying with the gospels and suggested repetition by re-reading a selection three times: one for understanding, a second for responding with the heart, and a third time for growing in the graces within the soul. In applying the traditional way of repetition in prayer, we pray with the related parallel passages to deepen and savor the graces offered through the Word of God within each gospel writer.

As A Directed Retreat

We recommend, if you are new to mental (discursive or interior) prayer or to Ignatian Retreats, to consider a director to accompany you along with way. We recommend you meet with one of our spiritual directors to begin for guidelines; midway through for review and reflections; and at the end for a review of graces. Please connect with either Karen, Gregory, Pamela, Lori or Michelle who are available for this retreat.

As a Self-Directed Retreat 

This as a self-retreat is written for those with experience in the ways of lectio divina, imaginative contemplative prayer, and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.

Preparing for Your Retreat

Recommended Purchase Ignatian Prayer Journal

Download PDF Lenten Retreat here

NOTE: Ways to pray this retreat

Begin "First Meditation" on Thursday, (the day after Ash Wednesday). You will end on Good Friday. Meditations in mornings Monday - Friday. On Saturday, Reflect on the graces of the week. Sunday attend weekly liturgy and prayer with the readings. Examen in evenings each day.


The Passion: Accompany Jesus Along the Way 33 Days of Prayer on the Passion in the four Gospels

Offertory Prayer

At the beginning of each prayer period, offer yourself to the Lord.

Pray the “Take and Receive”

Take Lord, and receive all my liberty,

my memory, my understanding, and my entire will,

all that I have and possess.

Thou hast given all to me.

To Thee, O Lord, I return it.

All is Thine; dispose of it wholly according to Thy will.

Give me Thy love and thy grace, for this, is sufficient for me.


(click the > to Open)

First Meditation: The Conspiracy Against Jesus

Second Meditation: The Anointing at Bethany

Third Meditation: The Entry into Jerusalem

Fourth Meditation: The Betrayal by Judas

Fifth Meditation: Preparations for the Passover

Sixth Meditation: The Washing of the Disciples’ Feet

Seventh Meditation: The Betrayer

Eighth Meditation: The New Commandment

Ninth Meditation: The Lord’s Supper

Tenth Meditation: The Role of the Disciples

Eleventh Meditation: Peter’s Denial Foretold

Twelfth Meditation: Last Supper Discourse: I am the Way

Thirteenth Meditation: Last Supper Discourse: The Vine and Branches

Fourteenth Meditation: Last Supper Discourse: Jesus’ Departure; Coming of the Advocate

Fifteenth Meditation: Last Supper Discourse: The Prayer of Jesus

Sixteenth Meditation: Instructions for the Time of Crisis

Seventeenth Meditation: The Agony in the Garden

Eighteenth Meditation: The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus

Nineteenth Meditation: Jesus Before the Sanhedrin

Twentieth Meditation: Peter's Denial and Jesus before Annas

Twenty-first Meditation: Jesus Before Pilate

Twenty-second Meditation: Last Supper Discourse: Jesus' Prayer

Twenty-third Meditation: The Death of Judas

Twenty-fourth Meditation: Jesus Questioned by Pilate

Twenty-fifth Meditation: Jesus is sentenced to death

Twenty-sixth Meditation: The Trial Before Pilate

Twenty-seventh Meditation: Mockery by the Soldiers

Twenty-eighth Meditation: The Way of the Cross

Twenty-ninth Meditation: The Crucifixion

Thirtieth Meditation: The Death of Jesus

Thirty-first Meditation: The Burial of Jesus

Thirty-second Meditation: The Guard at the Tomb

Gathering the Graces


*(SE#) All quotes are taken from The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius: Based on Studies in the Language of the Autograph by Louis J. Puhl, SJ

For more information or to register for Spiritual Direction

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